Galician Wadowice

The Franz Joseph I Girl’s Department School

The Franz Joseph I Girl’s Department School

The development of education in the latter part of the 19th century, and especially the rapid growth of the number of primary school pupils, was the main reason why the authorities...

“Sokolnia” in Wadowice

“Sokolnia” in Wadowice

The Sokół (‘Falcon’) Gymnastic Society became the symbol of the social activity of the inhabitants of Wadowice. The idea of ‘falcon’ societies was born in Habsburg...

Military hospital at the Zator Highway

Military hospital at the Zator Highway

In 1830, a two-storey military epidemic hospital was constructed. For sanitary and epidemiological safety reasons, it was located at the Zatorski Highway (today Wojska...

Cemetery of the Nations

Cemetery of the Nations

As a consequence of building the military hospital, a cemetery was located in its vicinity. The first burial took place in 1849. Up to the outbreak of the First...

Jewish cemetery in Wadowice

Jewish cemetery in Wadowice

Jews were a part of the Wadowice community in the Galician period. Most of them engaged in trade and crafts. In 1880, they constituted over 8% of the total population of the town (404...