Wadowice is a perfect starting point in the area of Silesian and Wieliczka Foothills. From that place run numerous bike trails. Total tourist cycling routes running through the area of the Wadowice Commune is approx. 55 km.
Bike trail leading from Wadowice to Auschwitz
Cycle route from Wadowice to Auschwitz leads by Tomice, Przybradz, Gierałtowice, Głębowice, Polana Wielka and Poręba Wielka. The route runs through the bicycle trail yellow, blue, black and green. Its length is 36.9 km. Due to the length and waving of the ground it is a difficult route. Bike trail all the time goes by asphalt roads.
Bike trail from Wadowice to Andrychów
Cycle route leads through Gorzeń Górny, Iłowiec, Łysa Góra, Bliźniaki, Choczenka Breakthrough, Ostry Wierch, Wapienica and Pańska Góra. The length of the route is 19.7 km, the sum of the hills which are to overcome is 650 m, time to complete the route is 3 hours. The entire route is very interesting and conducts external range of Beskid Mały. During the tour, you can enjoy views of the Silesian Foothills and the Wieliczka Foothills. On the way there is the Museum of Emil Zegadłowicz - worth seeing.
Bike trail from Wadowice to Kety
The trail leads through Ponds of Frydrychowice, Frydrychowice, Wieprz, Nidek and Witkowice. The route to overcome is easy, you do not need to have a high condition to overcome it. The route runs through the area of the Silesian Foothills. This route can be overcome within 1.5 hours, taking breaks you need to spend a little more time. Its length is 21.9 km and the sum of the hills which are to overcome is 100 m. Worth seeing on the route are the ponds in Frydrychowice, which in this area are from the Middle Ages. The route is also a small part of the Trail of Wooden Architecture, where in Nidek can visit the wooden church.
Cycle route along the Skawa with a length of approx. 3 km running from the stadium MKS Skawa (ul. Błonie 1, Wadowice) towards Jaroszowice (furniture store "Czart" at DK 28) - an initiative of the provincial municipal coherent concept of cycling routes - Episode Velo Skawa.
Yellow circular Wadowice car park Sienkiewicz Street – Sikorski Street – Gimnazjalna Street – Słowacki Street – Żwirki i Wigury Street – car park Kościuszko Square – Spadzista Street – Cicha Street – Sienkiewicz Street, approx. 2.5 km
Red: car park Kościuszko Square – Karmelicka Street – Góralska Droga - Chocznia - Inwałd - Andrychów - Nidek - Kety, 8 km
Blue: car park Sienkiewicz Street – Sikorski Street – Batory Street - Łazówka Gierałtowice - Głębowice - Oświecim 5 km
Green: car park Sienkiewicz Street – Nadbrzeżna Street - Podstawie - Tomice - Przybradz - Graboszyce - Trzebieńczyce - Palczowice, 2 km
Yellow: Klecza Dolna - Zarąbki – Stanisław Dolny - Zebrzydowice - Brody - Lanckorona, 13 km
Black: parking Kościuszko Square – Karmelicka Street – Wolności Ave. - Zawadka - Jaroszowice - DK 52 – Zygmunta Starego Street - Zaskawie - Klecza Dolna, 9.5 km
Black: Chocznia - DK 52 - Frydrychowice, 1.7 km
Black: Pass Zapusta - Pawlikówka, 3 km
The blue route international ‘Amber’ /other markings/
Zator - Woźniki - Wadowice - Łękawica - Stryszów - Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, 10.5 km
A perfect tool to navigate through these routes is "besBIKE - Mobile Application Cycle". More can be read HERE
Bike rentals
Tourist Information Office at 4 Kościelna Street. The desire to rent a bike, please notify two days in advance at tel. +48 33 873 23 65 or e-mail: biuro@it.wadowice.pl Terms Bike Hire.
Bicycles can be rented also in kajaki-na-skawie, tel. 608 093 166, www.kajaki-na-skawie.pl,
Młyn Jacek Hotel&Spa, tel. +48 33 873 40 80, 234 Jaroszowice, www.hotelmj.pl (approx. 5 km from the center of Wadowice).
Communal Tourist Information Centre in Stryszow, tel. +48 33 879 79 31, 553 Stryszów, www.stryszow.pl (approx. 14 km from the center of Wadowice) and the Municipal Lending bikes in Sucha Beskidzka, Town Museum, tel. +48 33 874 26 05, 1 Zamkowa Street, muzuem.sucha-beskidzka.pl (approx. 21 km from the center of Wadowice).
The current state of modernization of the infrastructure for cyclists is available at google.com/maps: TRASY ROWEROWE WADOWICE