Pizzeria Piazza Italia
Plac Jana Pawła II 9
34-100 Wadowice
tel. +48 512 827 711
email: piazza.wadowice@gmail.com

What will arise from the combination of many years of experience, true passion for cooking and love for pizza? This is Pizzeria Piazza Italia - a new, delicious place in the heart of Wadowice!

The uniqueness of our pizza is the result of paying attention to every detail. A dough made of excellent Italian flour, subjected to a long process of rising and maturation, real Italian ingredients of the highest quality and an original artisan pizza oven straight from Naples. And behind it all he is - the owner, pizzaiolo and native Sicilian in one person.

You haven't eaten such a pizza in Wadowice before! Come and see for yourself, we cordially invite you!

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