St Peter The Apostle's Church


Parafia pw. św. Piotra Apostoła w Wadowicach
Al. Matki Boskiej Fatimskiej 90
34-100 Wadowice
tel. +48 33 823 28 88

The church was built in the years 1986-1991 as a votive offering to God for choosing Karol Wojtyła to head the Holly See and saving his life during the attempt on St Peter Squere on May 13th,1981

Monday - Saturday: 6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 18.00
Sunday: 6.45, 8.30, 10.00, 11.30, 13.00, 16.00 (without july and august),18.00, 20.00 (during summer)