
Traveling with children is sometimes a real trip. For the regeneration of parents' strength and useful activity of the youngest, we invite you to the playgrounds. They can be found primarily in The Town Park (at Al. Wolności) and on the so-called Venice - the boulevards on the Skawa River (next to the Venice Restaurant and the Badura Hotel). The playgrounds closest to the Market Square (up to 10 minutes on foot) are located in the following housing estates: Bohaterów Westerplatte (at Krakowska Street), Marcina Wadowity (entrance from Gimnazjalna Street or Wiśniowa Street) and Mikołaja Kopernika (just behind  the barracks of the 12th Infantry Regiment at Lwowska Street). Behind the Town Planty, on Lipowa Avenue, leading to the train and bus stations, there is another playground, this time in the XX-lecia estate. There is also a playground at 15 Krasińskiego Street on the estate Czumówka - about 13 minutes away from the center. There are three playgrounds in the Pod Skarpą estate - the nearest one is behind the Delfin swimming pool, and it takes 20 minutes to walk from the center. However, on the quiet playground "Lolek" (at Tatrzańska Street), apart from attractions for children, you can find exercise machines and benches. The garden is ideal for children and older people (20 minutes away, walking from the city center along Lwowska Street to the MKS Skawy Wadowice Stadium).