Brick tenements appeared in the town’s landscape as late as at the turn of the 19th century. One of the oldest, a classicistic building in the style of a city manor house, was erected ca. 1800 at No. 291 Kościelna Street (today it is No. 4). Over the years, the house, as well as the neighbouring buildings and other properties in this part of the town, were owned by renowned and wealthy families of Wadowice – the Schwarzs, who came from Silesia, and the Gedls. Among the citizens of the town were Albert Gąsiorowski (1840-1888), a Gymnasium teacher, and Julian Feliks Morelowski (1850-1916), a doctor of law. However, the vast majority of the population was made up of peasants, shoemakers, drapers, tailors, carpenters, butchers and servants. In 1919 Jan Moskała (1868-1944), doctor of All Medical Sciences, became the owner of the house. He donated his possessions to fund financial support for students of the Jagiellonian University. Nowadays, No. 4 Kościelna Street houses the Town Museum and Tourist Information Office.